Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Assessment & Verification Procedures

One of the impressive methodologies used for Assessment & Verification in
Competency Based Training (CBT) is the one I prefer to use and which, in
brief, depends on the establishment of:

A.      Competency Assurance Management System CAMS
  1. The purpose of the Competency Assurance Management System CAMS is to
    provide guidelines that will enable the management of Enterprises and TVET
    Institutions to set valid and reliable controls in place with a view to
    have reasonable assurance that their workers / trainees / students are well
    trained, assessed, verified, proved to be competent and provide Evidences
    hat they can effectively perform all tasks assigned to them, including HSEP
    (OHSP) and business critical tasks, up to the Minimum Competency Level
    (Standard) required at Work Location.
  2. The HSEP stands for Health, Safety & Environmental Protection while
    OHSP stands for Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Protection.
B.      Competency Development Framework CDF and Evidence Sources
1.          The assessment process generally uses different levels of rating
criteria with specified competencies. The Competency Assurance Management
System CAMS, in general, uses the following four levels of rating criteria:
Awareness, Knowledge, Skill & Mastery.
2.          The Competency Development Framework CDF is the vital reference for
competencies against which employees within a professional area of
employment will be judging their level of competence.  It is an Assessment
Document used to record ratings (Awareness, Knowledge, Skill and Mastery)
decided during the assessment process.
3.          In the CDF, different levels of assessment and verification are
generally used in which various Evidences from individual own work are
provided as essential requirement to support the assessments. While the
worker / trainee / student is in the course of carrying particular
activities, he / she generally utilizes three Evidence Sources;
Observations, Produces & Questions.

C.      Personal Development Plan PDP
  1. A Personal Development Plan PDP has to be prepared at the beginning of
    each development assignment for the trainee / student in the CAMS program.
  2. Updates to the PDP are to be prepared whenever the trainee / student is
    assessed and progresses to the next stage of his / her development.
D.     Minimum Assessment & Verification Standard Processes
1.         The successful implementation of the CAMS requires a supporting
framework of Assessment & Verification Procedures. These procedures are
based on “Minimum Assessment & Verification Standard Processes”.
2.         A 4 levels assessment and verification system generally consists of the
following separate two assessment levels and two verification levels:
·        Level 1: Self-Assessment
·        Level 2: One-on-one Assessment
·        Level 3: One-on-one Verification
·        Level 4: Committee Interview Verification

by Moustafa Wahba
Competency Assurance & TVET Consultant
UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum, http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/e-forum, February 10, 2010.

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